Not a Trip
April 12, 2024
“All college graduates have a desire to change the world once they get their diploma.
Read More...April 11, 2024
Joy. We often use this word to describe happiness, yet that’s not exactly right. Joy is an emotion that makes sense, a feeling of hope during trials, and pure joy can truly only be found in God. This week, through serving the children, staff, and house parents of Ciudad de Angeles in Cozumel, Mexico, I saw and understood joy for the first time. During our time at Ciudad de Angeles, our team interacted with children from different backgrounds, who spoke a different language, and found a place of hope despite their circumstances.
Read More...April 9, 2024
The first day we were there we got a tour of the land. It was absolutely breathtaking. Kathy informed me that the property used to be a dairy farm but they acquired the land in 2003, and have been building ever since. The children were overjoyed to see us when we arrived to the school. Many of the children were enjoying a snack outside, all the littles ran up to Abby and Savanna. Many of the children put out their hands to give us high fives. We immediately started on our work project and we were thrilled to start painting.
Read More...April 2, 2024
Something about Honduras has always been healing for me. In all the times I have traveled there the Lord has met me in so many healing ways and preparing for this team I was in full expectation to see His face once again. Now the Lord in His consistent ways once again showed up, but in a different way than ever before. Instead of meeting me in the quiet of the mountains in the morning or in the Spanish sermon on Sunday.
Read More...March 27, 2024
In Guatemala, our team worked with Health Talents for one of their thirteen surgery weeks that they bring in volunteers for throughout the year. Working with volunteer American eye and orthopedic surgeons, we literally helped make the blind see and the lame walk providing medical care in the name of Jesus! As student caregivers working with licensed medical providers, we learned to not say that we were "just" students, but to say that we were each there to be an important piece of God's Kingdom work.
Read More...March 26, 2024
There were six Lipscomb students and three faculty/staff that traveled to New York on this team. On this trip we were granted with tasks that needed to be completed around the school, but most importantly, connecting with the students. We attended the school Monday through Friday from 7:45 AM to 3 PM. Each day we did different things. We laminated for a teacher, helped with arts and crafts, and hosted a pizza party for our classroom. The students on the trip were all assigned a classroom to work with, serving almost like a student teacher for that week.
Read More...March 21, 2024
Going into this spring break there were a whole lot of unknowns. Much like there was 20 years ago when the first spring break team ever stepped foot on the island.
Read More...March 20, 2024
We traveled to the village of Las Flores, Guatemala and set up both a medical and dental clinic for 4.5 days. Along with our team leaders, Dr. Steve Sherman, Mrs. Magdalena Sherman, and Mrs. Karen Bradfield, eight providers traveled along with us.
Read More...January 23, 2024
Our group rang in the new year by embarking on our trip to Guatemala on just the second day of 2024. The first day was full of travel, by land and air.
Read More...January 11, 2024
Visiting our brothers and sisters in Mexico is always a humbling experience.
However, trying to sum up the week might be the most humbling part of all. I am so
honored to share our visit with you, but the hard part is that it’s not solely “our
visit”. It’s the Lord’s first of all, it’s for us 25, the people of Mexico’s, it’s yours who
read this, and the others we will share with. So how can I tell it all? How can I put to
words what the Lord did emotionally, spiritually, relationally, and behind closed