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Not a Trip

  • Not A Trip: Athletics as Mission - Chris Klotz

    December 13, 2021

    Chris Klotz, Lipscomb’s Director of Spiritual Formation for athletics, began his time at Lipscomb as a women’s soccer coach, but found himself wanting something more three years later. He had a desire to mentor both men and women and teach about the love of Jesus.

  • Not A Trip: Construction as Mission - Mateo Church of Christ, Honduras

    December 4, 2021

    Garner Goode and Stan Lowery have both been deeply involved with Hillsboro Church of Christ and Mateo Church of Christ in Honduras for nearly 20 years. On episode 13 of Not A Trip Garner and Stan shared about their experiences bringing students to work with Mateo Church of Christ.

  • Not A Trip: Relationship as Mission - Moldova

    November 18, 2021

    Carlee Watson and Kari Bidwell love the people of Moldova. Carlee was a team member during her time at Lipscomb and then became a team leader. Kari has served as Mobilization and Events Manager with Justice and Mercy international for 7 years.

  • Medicine as Mission- Baja Missions, Baja Mexico.

    November 15, 2021

    James and Elizabeth Parnell share about the relationships that keep them coming back to Baja. 

  • Saying YES as Mission - Misión Para Cristo, Nicaragua

    June 7, 2021

    Benny Baker and Mindy Stewart Share About Where Saying “Yes” to God Led Them

    Benny Baker and Mindy Stewart share about their roles with Misión Para Cristo, the strength of the Nicaraguan staff who run the organization, and the leap of faith that God asked of them.

  • Hospitality as Mission: Brisbane, Australia

    May 26, 2021

    Dr. Andrew Johnson Shares His Passion for Living on Mission Daily as a Leader and Educator

    Dr. Andrew Johnson is the Principal of Redlands College (a Christian K-12) in Brisbane, Australia. Dr. Johnson shares his passion for living on mission daily as a leader and educator, the ways in which small moments of hospitality create big openings for relationship, and the community partnership with Lipscomb Missions for over 20 years.

  • Farming as Mission: Mission UpReach

    May 10, 2021

    Honduras Host Partner Shares About How a Farm Can Create a Sustainable Economy to Support Their Entire Mission Effort

  • Friendship as Mission: San Francisco City Impact

    April 26, 2021

    Alex Quock, Missions Director, Shares About the Vision of City Impact and His Eleven Years of Service in San Francisco

  • Business as Mission: Rob Touchstone and Dr. Lauren Pinkston

    April 22, 2021

    Two Lipscomb Professors and Entrepreneurs Share About Their Experiences with Business as a Means of Missional Living

  • Living as Mission: ShilohNYC

    March 29, 2021

    Long Time Host Partner Shares About Their Ministry in NYC and Connection with Lipscomb Missions

     We began serving with Shiloh NYC in 2002 and are thankful for this opportunity to highlight the ways that they are pursuing the Mission of God in New York City and Bridgeport, Connecticut.