Accepting Change and Moving Forward
October 2, 2023

Written by Cynthia Greer, ICM professor and Rule 31 instructor
For the past 18 months, I have worked with many organizations and cities that are experiencing tremendous growth, limited resources, and conflicted personnel. In some instances, the employees may be the deciding factor as to whether these entities will be successful and even survive. That is because many people—even though it is inevitable—resist change at all costs. By doing so, they create conflict and chaos.
In all my conflict resolution classes at academic institutions, my ADR trainings, and as a part of any consulting agreement I have, I recommend that individuals read Our Iceberg is Melting: Changing and Succeeding Under Any Circumstances by John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber. The authors state that , “Our Iceberg is Melting is a simple fable about doing well in an ever-changing world.” Specifically, the fable is about an Antarctica penguin colony dealing with the real danger of losing their home. Various penguins demonstrate the personalities we see in both our professional and personal lives: the doubter, the know-it-all, the head-in-the-sand individual, the bully, the nagger, the optimist—hopefully, you get the picture.
The fable suggests the necessary steps in making major changes in organizations and/or in our personal lives so that we will be better able to handle the challenges of change well so that we can be successful, content, and happy. Whether it be a company, a divorcing couple, or parents developing a co-parenting plan, change is going to happen. And, at times, changes occur more quickly than we anticipate. As John Kotter states, it is essential “to clarify how the future will be different from the past, and how you can make that future a reality.”
We all know that living and working in environments that are stagnant, uncooperative, and duplicitous cause us to, at times, become pessimistic. And this then creates a toxic cycle that will negatively affect our health, our work, and our relationships. Instead, we need to think about the importance of continuous effective communication, an attitude of problem-solving, and creative innovation. In other words, we need to examine the roles of thinking and feeling in our daily lives.
The authors suggest 8 Steps to Successful Change which, I feel, are applicable to all situations where there may be differences of opinions, misunderstandings, and simmering conflicts. Those 8 steps include:
1. Generate Urgency
2. Form a Strong Team
3. Create a Vision and Strategy
4. Send Out a Clear, Inspiring Message
5. Encourage Others to Take Action
6. Get Momentum With Quick Wins
7. Keep Moving Forward
8. Embed the Changes in Your Daily Life
The Institute for Conflict Management (ICM) is housed in the College of Leadership & Public Service at Lipscomb University. ICM provides you with the skills necessary to create productive environments for all. Our graduate curriculum ensures you move forward in your career with the ability to diagnose, manage and heal conflicts in all settings. We offer diverse network opportunities and unique training to give you a variety of learning and application opportunities. Professionals interested in earning graduate degree credit have the option of earning an M.A. in Conflict Management or a Graduate Certificate in Conflict Management.
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