Intentional Community
The College of Bible & Ministry provides opportunities for our students, alumni, and community of ministers to grow together in faith. Through conferences, spiritual formation, and relationship building events, we are dedicated to encouraging our network.
Community Events
In November, the College of Bible & Ministry hosts a Ministry Internship Fair. We welcome all Christian churches and nonprofits looking for summer and/or school year interns to participate in this opportunity. The majority of our undergraduate students will participate and have great success in securing internships through our fair.
Sponsored by the President’s Office, we host a monthly luncheon for local children and youth ministers. Each meal features a guest speaker who will present on a topic that benefits those in church leadership. We regularly see over 50 ministers attend this event.
In addition to the internship fair and monthly luncheons, Lipscomb sponsors multiple academic conferences that provide incredible learning opportunities for our students, alumni, and local ministers. See below for more information.
Christian Scholars Conference Children's Spirituality Summit Next Generation Youth Ministry Conference Nurture Conference
Undergraduate Events
Every August, following the first week of classes, the College of Bible & Ministry hosts an annual retreat for their students, faculty, and staff. We devote the weekend to worshiping, playing games, hearing from guest speakers, spending time in nature, and getting to know one another.
Each month, we host a College of Bible & Ministry community lunch for relationship building within the department. Spread across two class periods, to maximize the number of students able to attend, these lunches are popular with our Bible majors. Our faculty and staff enjoy this time of fellowship, where they can get to know the students outside of the classroom.
In addition to the retreat and monthly lunches, we plan regular outings for the undergraduate students, meant to provide additional opportunities to form a strong community within our department. In the spring of 2023, we offered ice skating, a bonfire at a faculty member’s house, Jeopardy, and a movie night.