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Veterans eligible for Yellow Ribbon Program can get free tuition at Lipscomb

Janel Shoun | 


David Hughes
Veterans' Liaison
Lipscomb University is now accepting applications from military veterans and eligible family members who qualify for the Yellow Ribbon Program, a benefit under the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill that provides college tuition, a housing stipend and money for books.
Lipscomb intends to match dollar-for-dollar the federal government aid provided through the Yellow Ribbon Program, allowing those eligible to earn an undergraduate Lipscomb degree tuition-free or a graduate degree at a greatly reduced tuition rate.
“To honor the selfless service of veterans of the Iraqi and Afghan wars, Lipscomb leadership felt we should do everything in our power to make both an undergraduate and graduate education available to these brave men and women,” said Scott McDowell, vice president of student development, who oversees Lipscomb’s veterans’ liaison office. “So we committed the funds to provide a tuition-free education to military veterans. They have proven they can succeed in the military; now they deserve every opportunity to succeed in the rest of their civilian careers.”
Eric Livingston, a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, current Lipscomb graduate student in the Hazelip School of Theology, and minister at Meadowbrook Church of Christ in Jackson, Miss., said Lipscomb’s full participation in the Yellow Ribbon Program will not only benefit the veterans themselves, but also Lipscomb and the future of the churches of Christ.
“I think it is a great investment in the future of the churches of Christ,” he said. “Military vets will always have the ability to be leaders and have strong integrity. Those are both values that will benefit the student body at Lipscomb and the churches of Christ.”
Livingston was a Hebrew linguist for the Air Force who worked in intelligence from 1998 to 2004. He earned his undergraduate degree in information management systems while in the Air Force. Today he uses all his leadership skills, knowledge of the Hebrew language and computer skills to benefit his congregation in Mississippi, he said.

Applications for Lipscomb University and the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill are currently being accepted. Yellow Ribbon benefits will be available to veterans and family members beginning Aug.1. Qualifying individuals can enroll at Lipscomb for the fall 2009 semester, beginning Aug. 24. Benefits for graduate programs may cover the full cost of the program or may result in a reduced tuition rate, except in the pharmacy program.

Lipscomb University is committed to expanding its reach to bring quality Christian education to students who have traditionally been underserved. This past spring semester also brought programs to expand access for Hispanic students and community college graduates.
In addition to offering free tuition, Lipscomb has hired David K. Hughes, a retired captain in the Army and a current Lipscomb University graduate student, as the university’s veterans’ liaison. In addition to serving as a clearinghouse of information for student veterans, Hughes plans to establish a veterans’ support group to plan social and enrichment activities for veterans attending Lipscomb.
“Students coming to Lipscomb through the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill will bring a rich, mature world view to the campus. Military veterans on any campus provide unique perspective and diversity of thought to the student body, so I am glad Lipscomb has chosen to welcome them with open arms,” said Hughes. “They will find Lipscomb a very welcoming community.”
To receive benefits under the Yellow Ribbon Program, veterans must have:
  • Served at least 36 months of active duty after September 10, 2001;
  • Be honorably discharged from active duty for a service-connected disability after having served at least 30 continuous days after September 10, 2001; or
  • Be a dependent eligible for Transfer of Entitlement under the Post-9/11 GI Bill based on a veteran’s service under the eligibility criteria listed above. 
For application information visit or contact David Hughes at 615.966.5176 or