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University honors life of Martin Luther King, Jr. at Birthday Party Celebration



The Office of Multicultural Affairs at Lipscomb University  hosted a birthday party on Friday, January 13, to celebrate and honor Martin Luther King Jr.'s life.  A 10-15 minute power point presentation was shown continuously throughout the party and refreshments were served.


“We wanted to make sure that our students and employees had an opportunity to take time to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. and the sacrifices he made for his beliefs,” said Vicki Gaw, administrative assistant in the Office of Multicultural Affairs.  “Often, when people think of Martin Luther King, Jr., they think of someone who was killed for his race.  While race does often come into play, it is important to also see that he was ultimately trying to live for his beliefs – the beliefs that everyone should be considered equal and that we should all love and respect each other, as Christ shows us through His own life.  The bigger picture is that King wanted that brotherhood with all men and women, regardless of race.  The birthday party offered a chance to honor his life while informing participants of this bigger picture."


For more information about the Office of Multicultural Affairs at Lipscomb, contact Gaw by vicki.gaw [at] (clicking here).


Other events are being planned for the month of February and March to honor and bring more recognition of King's life.  Check back for more details.