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Thousands of teens grow closer to God and each other at 2008 Impact summer camps

Janel Shoun | 

More than 2,500 teens from all over the country have converged on the Lipscomb campus June 11-21 to enjoy the high-spirited combination of fun games, silly pranks, Bible study and worship that is Impact, an annual spiritually-focused summer camp.

Click here to see tons of photos from Impact

Impact’s mixture of spiritual enrichment with the downright ridiculous has been a successful formula for Lipscomb and Impact coordinators for the past 16 years. A collection of 14 youth ministers from throughout Middle Tennessee and the Southeast plan this camp each year, based on a theme that is not revealed until campers arrive on campus. This year’s theme: “Day of Reckoning,” with a country and Western décor.

The goal is to provide sixth- through twelfth-graders with a four-day experience that will have a real impact on their spiritual lives. “Probably over 1,000 kids have given their lives to the Lord at Impact,” said Steve Davidson, director of the spiritual outreach office at Lipscomb, which oversees the camp.

Impact is divided into Impact Jr., for sixth- through eighth-graders, June 13-16, and Impact Sr., for ninth- through twelfth-graders, June 16-21. Student groups come from as many as 15 states to attend Impact.

Both camps include special interactive Bible classes taught by youth ministers, keynote speakers and dynamic praise and worship. Teens hear challenging messages and enjoy special times of worship, concerts and activities, such as a dodge ball tournament and “Morning Impact,” a sort of pep rally featuring contests involving huge beach balls, disgusting food combinations, outlandish videos and camp-style songs and cheers.

Keynote speakers include nationally known preachers and authors Jeff Walling and David Fraze. There is a “Coffee House” held each day with entertainment including Christian comedians, illusionist and ventriloquist.