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Summer Lectureship to move to new date


If you have attended the Lipscomb Lectures any or all of the last 50+ years, you already have your calendar marked for the second week in June. Well, get out your eraser, because the summer lectureship is moving to a new date that will allow the program to expand and be even more beneficial to those who attend, said Walt Leaver, vice president for university relations. The new date will by July 2-5, 2003, which has several benefits, Leaver said. "During the first week in July, the lectureship will be the only event on campus. In past years, we've shared campus facilities and dorm space with our growing athletics camps. The new date will allow us to use all dorms and facilities, making it possible for many more people to stay on campus very economically," he said. The new date will also allow Allen Arena "to become a focal point for lecture activities," compared to last summer when it was only available on Sunday night. "We hope the new date will also encourage more families to plan vacations with the lectures in mind. With numerous activities for all ages, the lectures will provide a wonderful experience for everyone. And guests can come to Nashville a few days early or stay a few days longer to enjoy some of the attractions on middle Tennessee," Leaver said. The program will include many of the same features as past lectureships along with new features "especially designed to make this an enjoyable experience for the entire family," Leaver said. He said a brochure would be mailed in February 2003 with full details. Information will also be posted online at