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Summer Celebration attendees make generous donation to Madagascar Student Fund

Janel Shoun | 

In the opening hours of Summer Celebration, Lipscomb’s annual three-day lecture series and festival, guests and supporters gave 26 Lipscomb University students a great gift – worth $11,483.30.
During the opening session featuring Mike Cope, Lipscomb president L. Randolph Lowry encouraged the crowd to donate money to the 26 students from Madagascar who are attending Lipscomb but are unable to return home due to strive in their home nation.
In fall 2008, the Malagasy students were given a challenge: Commit to learn the skills and disciplines necessary to lead your country, and your president will send to you earn your bachelor’s degree at one of the finest Christian universities in America.

Marc Ravalomanana, president of the Republic of Madagascar at that time, sent the students to carry out that challenge. Although they speak English as a third language, the students immediately distinguished themselves in the classroom and were immersed into campus life, becoming valued citizens of the Lipscomb community.

Midway through spring semester 2009, the Malagasy president was deposed in a coup. With uncertain and even frightening circumstances at home, the students were left with no financial support to continue their studies at Lipscomb.
This summer, the students are living and working on the Lipscomb campus. They have helped advance educational projects such as an outdoor classroom for the biology department and are volunteering to help in the children ministry during Summer Celebration.
Lipscomb has established the Madagascar Student Fund to keep the Malagasy students enrolled at Lipscomb – to allow them to continue preparing for lives of excellence in leadership and service while sharing unique perspectives of the world with students who may have never ventured beyond their own shores.

One day they will be able to return to their homeland and assume positions of authority that will allow them to improve quality of life, share their faith and promote understanding and goodwill among nations.
Summer Celebration is attended annually by thousands and the gift they gave to the Malagasy students is highly valued and greatly appreciated, but more is needed to ensure a Lipscomb bachelor’s degree for each student.
The cost of supporting these students for 12 months is $986,934. Before asking you to help, however, Lipscomb and its partners have already committed $500,000 toward that total and the students are working to secure another $50,000 in support. That leaves $436,934 to be raised for the Madagascar Student Fund.
You can join those attending Summer Celebration to support our Malagasy students today by making a generous gift online or contacting Sonya Hayes at 615.966.5720 to donate or obtain information to share with your church and Christian family.