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Revenge of the Nerds gives students chance to 'geek-out' and compete

Lacey Klotz  | 


Revenge of the Nerds, an annual competition, held by the College of Computing & Technology, offers students of all majors the opportunity to “geek-out” in a fun and laid-back competition.

On Friday, April 8, six teams of four students met in the college’s new facilities in the Swang Business Center to compete in four popular video games – Rock Band, FIFA, Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros.

“This event was primarily student-run and we chose games that would welcome a broader group of students to participate,” said Finn Breland, enrollment management specialist in Lipscomb’s College of Computing & Technology and staff sponsor for BeestMode Gaming.

Similar to an all-around event in gymnastics, teams were scored in each game and the final two teams ended up in a sudden death round.

“Our top two teams continuously tied the others scores and because students brought their own consoles and games to the competition, one student offered up a different game to use for sudden death,” Breland continued. “It was called Pokken and was a Pokemon fighting game that neither team had played before, and Double Chins Revenge came out victorious.”

Top winners were:

  • Double Chins Revenge – 1st place
  • Galactic Empire – 2nd place
  • Ninth Circle – 3rd place

A variety of prizes from Star Wars headphones, to “POP!” vinyl figurines to Snapback hats and posters, were also awarded to the first, second and third RevengeoftheNerds_Sideplace teams.

Sean Wallace, a freshman IT management major and member of Ninth Circle, said the Revenge of the Nerds Competition allows any student the chance to compete in a fun, large-scale competition.

“Normally you don’t have the space or a big enough group to come together and have this size of competition,” said Wallace. “To have these facilities and the professors who help run everything is awesome.”

Jessie Lippincott, a freshman computer science major and president of BeestMode Gaming, was also a member of Ninth Circle and said that compared to BeestMode Gaming competitions, Revenge of the Nerds is much more relaxed and easy-going.

“For BeestMode Gaming competitions, it is much more of a structured organized competition against other teams from other schools or another five-man team,” said Lippincott. “With the Revenge of the Nerds Competition, it is definitely still structured but it’s a lot more fun, relaxed and a good time to get together and hang out with friends.”

BeestMode Gaming is an eSports team comprised of students from Lipscomb University’s College of Computing & Technology who all share a love of gaming.
The club focuses on two games, League of Legends, a multiplayer online battle arena game, and Counterstrike Global Offensive, a first-person shooter game.

Lipscomb’s College of Computing & Technology opened its new location in Swang Business Center, in March 2015. Its 7,000 square-foot office, classroom and computing facility has been constructed and outfitted with the latest technology thanks to donations from Jackson National Life, Cigna-HealthSpring and Peak 10.

The new facility allows Lipscomb students to collaborate with each other and expert faculty and industry advisors through a flexible furniture and open classroom design. The facility also offers clusters of seating and power outlets with plenty of technical connectivity for group work; glass walls intended to serve as writing surfaces; a media lounge and a conference room designed as a community meeting space.