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Randolph honored as Alumnus of the Year


alums of year 04

Lipscomb University alumni honored during the Distinguished Alumni Dinner included (seated, from left) David Elrod, Robbie Davis and Clyde Miller; (standing, from left) Lincoln Hanks, Dale Randolph, Lipscomb President Steve Flatt, Tom Ingram, Ken Shumard. (Photo by Amber R. Stacey.)

Dale Randolph, chief executive officer and chairman of the international advisory board for World Bible Translation Center Inc., Fort Worth, was honored as the Lipscomb University’s Alumnus of the Year during Homecoming festivities Feb. 6 on campus.

Randolph was one of seven graduates receiving the university’s top alumni honors during the Distinguished Alumni Dinner. Honored as Distinguished Alumni by the university’s five colleges:

--Dr. P. David Elrod III (’77), Manchester, Tenn., College of Natural and Applied Sciences. Elrod is senior vice president of Jacobs Sverdrup and general manager of the Aerospace Testing Alliance at Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn.

--Dr. Lincoln Hanks (’91), Thousand Oaks, Calif., College of Arts and Humanities. Hanks is assistant professor of music at Pepperdine University and a member of the nationally renowned Concord Ensemble.

--Tom Ingram (’67), Knoxville, Tenn. College of Education and Professional Studies. Ingram is chief of staff to U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.).

--Dr. Clyde M. Miller, Nashville, class of 1948, College of Bible and Ministry. Miller was a Bible professor at Lipscomb for 25 years until retiring in 1992, and is author of several books.

--Ken Shumard (’65), Norcross, Ga., College of Business. Shumard is owner and chairman of the board of Medical Doctor Associates, a physician staffing firm.

Robbie Brewer Davis, Nashville, was presented the ’Fessor Boyce Award for her long-term support for the university, particularly for the Bison athletics program. The award is named in memory of long time Lipscomb coach and professor Dr. Eugene Boyce.

Randolph earned his bachelor’s degree from Lipscomb in 1964 and established the World Bible Translation Center in 1973. The nonprofit organization translates the Scriptures from original languages into common languages around the world with printing and distribution efforts in each language. He served as president and chairman of the board from 1976-2002, overseeing translation and distribution of Bibles in 31 languages.