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President McQueen’s First Days in Office, Told by Images

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Dr. Candice McQueen in front of Collins Alumni Auditorium.

Tuesday, Sept. 7, is Lipscomb University President Candice McQueen’s first day in office. 

Dr. McQueen, who is the university’s 18th president, will spend her first day meeting with student leaders, administrators and staff; attending the weekly campus chapel service; walking through campus and greeting students, faculty and staff; and eating with her family in the Bison Café for dinner among other activities. 

Lipscomb Now is following Dr. McQueen today and capturing moments throughout the day. Please check back often to follow along with us!

September 7, 2021 • Day 1

9 a.m.

McQueen walks into Crisman for her first day as president

Dr. Candice McQueen walks to her office in the Crisman Administration Building for the first time as Lipscomb University's new president.

9:10 a.m.

Dr. McQueen meets board member Mike Adams and wife

President McQueen is greeted upon her arrival to Crisman by trustee Mike Adams and his wife, Mary Lynn.

9:40 a.m.

Dr. McQueen in a time of prayer with leadership team

Members of Lipscomb's executive and senior leadership teams pray over Dr. McQueen on her first day in office.

McQueen meets with executive and senior leadership teams

President McQueen met with members of the executive and senior leadership teams to share an overview of next few weeks.

10:40 a.m.

Dr. McQueen walks with Provost Craig Bledsoe

Provost W. Craig Bledsoe and President McQueen walk together to The Gathering in Allen Arena.

10:55 a.m.

Dr. McQueen speaks in the Gathering
As a community, we will continue to drive out darkness and work toward the light in our own lives. — President Candice McQueen, first Gathering speech to students
McQueen speaks in the Gathering to students.
Dr. McQueen talks to students at The Gathering.

President McQueen addresses students in The Gathering, the weekly community worship service in Allen Arena. During her remarks she announced the launch of a President's Student Advisory Council and a special Sophomore Week, to celebrate and recognize these students with a series of activities next week. 

You are my No. 1 priority. My No. 1 priority is you. You are the reason I came. You are the reason I will stay, and as a team, we will be able to accomplish remarkable things at Lipscomb University. — President Candice McQueen, first Gathering speech to students

11:45 a.m.

President McQueen talks with students in Bison Square
Students enjoy a cookout on Bison Square.

President McQueen stopped by Bison Square following The Gathering to greet students who were enjoying a picnic on a beautiful September day. The students were served by faculty and staff. 


McQueen greets students in Bennett Campus Center

Bennett Campus Center is a bustle of activity during lunch time. President McQueen, and her husband, Andy, stop to chat with students.

Dr. McQueen meets student in the campus center
Dr. McQueen eats lunch with representatives of student organizations.

President McQueen meets with leaders of student organizations for a lunch meeting on her first day in office. 

Dr. McQueen with leaders of student organizations.

12:45 p.m.

Dr. McQueen meets with Matt Paden

Senior Vice President for Enrollment and Student Engagement Matt Paden welcomes President McQueen to the Student Life offices in Bennett Campus Center.

Dr. McQueen visits with students studying in the campus center

A group of students studying this afternoon in Bennett Campus Center get a visit from new President McQueen. 

1:20 p.m.

Dr. McQueen tours the Hughes Center with Dr. Quincy Byrdsong

Vice Provost for Health Affairs Quincy Byrdsong, right, and Ruth Henry, chair of the Department of Kinesiology, show President McQueen around the James D. Hughes Center, home of the School of Physician Assistant Studies, the Dietetics Program, the Exercise & Nutrition Science Program and the Department of Nutrition and Kinesiology. 

Dr. McQueen visits the cadaver lab in the Hughes Center

McQueen and Byrdsong visit the School of Physician Assistant Studies' cadaver lab and meet with Stephen Heffington, PA School director, and Cindy Wingert, assistant professor. 

1:45 p.m.

McQueen with David Holmes

David Holmes, dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, gives President McQueen a tour of McFarland Science Center.

McQueen visits a classroom in McFarland

President McQueen stops by an afternoon class in session while touring McFarland Science Center. 

2 p.m.

McQueen tours pharmacy lab

Kam Nola, pharmacy professor, and Jeff Lee, associate dean for academic affairs in the College of Pharmacy, gives President McQueen a tour of the pharmacy sterile lab in Burton Health Sciences Center. 

McQueen visits with pharmacy professor Kam Nola

Pharmacy professor Kam Nola and President McQueen visit a pharmacy class in session this afternoon. 

McQueen visits with two pharmacy students

This afternoon, President McQueen visited with several student pharmacists while touring the Burton Health Sciences Center, home of the College of Pharmacy. 

3:10 p.m.

McQueen talks with Landon Parrish from the president's office.

President McQueen walks with Landon Parrish, assistant to the president, en route to a meeting on campus. 

6:00 p.m.

McQueen family after dinner on first day

President McQueen and her family, husband, Andy; daughter, Abigail; and son, Henry, head to dinner in Bison Cafe to end her first day in office. 

— Photos by Kristi Jones