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Pedaling with a purpose: Underground Railroad Bike Tour

Chris Pepple | 

Mike Smith (’82), director for High Rise Residence Hall at Lipscomb, will bike approximately 2,028 miles along the Underground Railroad route from Mobile, Alabama, to Ontario, Canada, to raise funds for under-represented students who have significant financial needs. The path that he is following is based partly on the spiritual “Follow the Drinking Gourd.” The “Drinking Gourd” is a colloquial name for the “Big Dipper,” the constellation that points to Polaris, the North Star.  Many slaves followed that star north to freedom.  Adventure Cycling has chosen to honor the bravery of that period of history by developing this bicycle tour.  The route passes through Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York. The ride is divided into five sections based on the Adventure Cycling Association mapping system. The ride is scheduled to last 37 days. Kerry Roberts will chair the Bike Tour Campaign. Bill Ezell will serve as the honorary chair for the campaign.

“This route is rich in history. Bikers on the route actually mimic the journey of those seeking freedom. The terrain is challenging at times, and many of the towns are small and haven’t changed much through the years. Riders travel past family homes and businesses. A family dog might run after you for a minute. People watch to see where you are going. After you cross the Ohio River, the journey changes quite a bit. It’s exciting to see the route used to highlight the need for minority scholarships,” said Ginny Sullivan, new routes coordinator for the Adventure Cycling Association.

Mike Smith has lived in the dorm for over nine years with nearly 400 students each semester.  “I have seen too many students have to move out of the dorm or quit school for a semester or two for financial reasons. It also troubles me to see students graduate with a massive amount of debt.  While I would love to help all students receive help toward their educational expenses, I am particularly excited about this trip and tying the Underground Railroad toward an opportunity to help provide scholarships for students of different ethnic backgrounds.”

“I’ve been biking for over 13 years now. I bike with family, friends and the Lipscomb community several times a year. When you choose a bike route and set a goal, there’s a sense of self-gratification you at the end of the trip. Connecting with friends and alumni along the way, creating and renewing relationships during this ride, will be an aspect of this bike tour, but there will be a deeper purpose. I am going to raise funds to create minority scholarships for students wanting to study at Lipscomb but who need financial assistance to do so,” said Smith.

The goal of the ride is to raise $30,000 for minority scholarships by giving donors an opportunity to make a gift based on the total miles of the trip.  These additional scholarship funds will provide hope for minority students who want to attend Lipscomb University but who are unable to cover the financial costs alone.  “Providing hope for others and opening doors for educational opportunities is a very rewarding experience,” said Smith.

Donors can make their gifts online. For more information about the Bike Tour Campaign, contact Sonja Hayes, director of annual giving and special programs at 615.966.5720 or