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Parkers to lead Europe tour


     Drs. John and Jill Parker, who were on-site Lipscomb faculty in Vienna fall semester, will offer a “Daniel Tour” of Austria, Switzerland, and Italy, July 29-Aug. 9 arranged by Daniel Kravina, tour director for the Lipscomb-in-Vienna program. The tour is designed especially for families of students who have participated in the Vienna program.
     “Jill and I traveled nearly every weekend last fall while I was teaching in Vienna and these destinations are among the best we experienced,” said Parker. “Daniel is one of the best tour directors because he not only knows Europe but also has a refined sense of what is excellent, not just popular. Six years of Lipscomb students have enjoyed and benefited from his leadership.” 
     “Destinations like Verona and Zermatt add a special dimension to a tour of Italy and Switzerland. The opera at Verona and the view of the Matterhorn and the walking paths around Zermatt complement the art and architecture of Florence and Rome. 
     “Salzburg is known for the Sound of Music, but the heart of the city is the castle. It''s a real fortress and in many respects not much changed from the days of the battles. The dinner and Mozart concert in the dining hall will be unique for us. The mountains and lakes are magnets,” continued Parker.
     The tour may be taken for EN 480V “English Travel” credit. Call 615.279.5802 or 615.373.4462 for full information. Or visit the web at