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An open letter from President Lowry about social clubs

Randy Lowry | 

An open letter to the Lipscomb Community:

Reports of the demise of social clubs have been greatly exaggerated.
As we continue to make Lipscomb University the very best that it can be, I believe we have an ongoing obligation to review its programs and activities. During my time in this academic community, one area of repeated discussion has been social clubs --particularly the activities associated with initiation or what is commonly called “pledging.”

Because of complaints about some activities associated with pledging this past fall, I felt that it was prudent to investigate more thoroughly the concerns expressed by students, alumni and parents. In addition, I want to make sure that appropriate resources are provided so that initiation activities can be conducted according to Lipscomb University policies (as stated in the Student Handbook), the laws of the State of Tennessee and the Christian values that we as a university embrace. This letter to the Lipscomb University community is written to articulate my support for social clubs, my commitment that they operate in a way that is consistent with the standards noted above and identify steps that are being taken to support that occurring.

For more than 40 years, the social clubs at Lipscomb have been a vital and integral part of campus life. Students in these organizations have been campus leaders both in and out of the classroom and have enjoyed the special bond that accrues to members of clubs. I look forward to social clubs continuing to be a vital part of the Lipscomb experience. While the suggestions of eliminating social clubs or substituting the current clubs with national fraternities and sororities have been made, neither is an option that is being actively pursued. I am confident that our social clubs will work diligently to meet the legal and ethical standards required of them and continue to make an important contribution to the university.

In terms of the standards to which we will adhere, Lipscomb University has a comprehensive policy regarding pledging activities. It clearly prohibits hazing – those activities that endanger the mental health or physical safety of students. The university’s policy reflects Tennessee law which specifically puts the responsibility for appropriate behavior on the students who conduct initiation activities. Those students are subject to both civil and criminal penalties for violations of the law. Our commitment to doing what is morally and legally right, and our interest in protecting students, is simply not negotiable. At the same time, pledging is not inherently bad or inappropriate. Fulfilling legitimate requirements to be granted membership in a club can bond those joining and reflect important commitment to the organization. While modifications may be made to pledging activities, the university is not eliminating initiation activities, just reminding students in social clubs of the standards under which the activities must be conducted.

Social clubs will have the opportunity to pledge even this semester. The pledging process was delayed by four weeks in order to give the clubs some time to make any adjustments needed to the pledge process. The pledge period was also shortened from 14 days to 10 days partially for the benefit of club advisors who also have full-time jobs and who, during this period, will have additional responsibilities to assist their club in meeting the pledging standards. In the future, both the time of pledging and the length of pledging are issues that can be determined by Campus Life personnel and members of the Interclub Council.

In addition, a number of other steps have been taken or are being taken to strengthen the pledging process. They are as follows.

1. Campus Life personnel and I have met with social club officers and social club advisors to discuss the university’s commitment to its anti-hazing policies, Tennessee law and Christian values.

2. The university has retained two outside consultants with substantial higher education experience to serve as a resource for student social clubs as pledging processes are reviewed.

3. Campus Life personnel are planning four field trips to other public and private universities to learn about social club programs that have outstanding reputations. Students from our social clubs will be included in each trip.

4. Shortly, there will be a new communication and advocacy system established so that student concerns about pledging activities can be expressed in a safe and effective way.

5. Finally, we will continue weekly meetings with the Interclub Council and provide whatever additional forums are needed for dialogue regarding pledging or other dimensions of social club life on the Lipscomb campus.

The call to social clubs is simply to adhere to the university’s policy on hazing, abide by Tennessee law and reflect our Christian faith. Most social club activities meet those standards and will be unaffected by this new conversation. At the same time, other practices need to be reexamined and perhaps modified so that they are consistent with the values of the community in which they occur.

More than 30 years ago, I pledged a club during my college years, and I remain grateful for the friendships that were formed in that social setting. At the same time, I recognize that both the law and expected behaviors have changed over that time, and now necessitate a change in the activities of social clubs on college campuses. This moment at Lipscomb is not unusual. Many other universities have experienced it and many more will experience it.

My hope is that we too will find ways to work together to improve the experience of all students in social clubs assuring their safety and reflecting Christian values in their activities. I appreciate the student leaders in our social clubs, the committed social club advisors and the Campus Life staff who work with them. I am confident that they will work together so social clubs at Lipscomb will remain an important part of our community.

For more information I encourage you to visit to review Lipscomb’s pledging policy, the Tennessee Hazing Law and other social club resources.

Thank you for your patience and assistance as we make Lipscomb University the best that it can be!


Randy Lowry