Noted author, graphic artist Kimberly Elam to speak
Janel Shoun |
The Ringling School of Design’s Kimberly Elam is encouraging designers to jump off the grid when it comes to contemporary graphic design.
Elam, whose books have introduced American designers to European-style typographic systems as opposed to traditional grid systems, will speak at 7 p.m., Nov. 13 at Lipscomb’s Shamblin Theatre as part of Lipscomb’s inaugural Presidential Lectureships for Art and Art History. The lecture is free and open to the public.
In conjunction with the lecture, Lipscomb University’s Department of Art and Advent Displays and Designs will host the first annual Award for Excellence in Logo Design. The logo design gallery will be available at a reception held at 6 p.m., Nov. 13, in Shamblin Theatre, prior to Elam’s lecture. The winners will be announced at the lecture.
Elam is head of the Graphic and Interactive Communication Department at Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, Fla. She will speak on her new book, Typographic Systems of Design.
Her previous books include Expressive Typography: The Word as Image, and Geometry of Design: Studies in Proportion and Composition as well as others on typography and graphic design.
“Many designers focus primarily on the traditional grid system for design and are unaware of the potential that other systems hold for graphic designers,” Elam said. “Student designers at first find the systems strange and awkward because they rarely see them in print or screen communications. However, as work develops, an understanding of the system emerges that enables the creative potential of the system to be realized.”