More than 400 volunteers pack 200,000 meals for hurricane victims
Kim Chaudoin |

On Sunday, Nov. 17, the Lipscomb University community came together to do what it does best — putting its faith into action by serving others.
More than 400 volunteers, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, families, local church members and friends from the community gathered in two shifts in Allen Arena to pack 200,000 meals at the Feed the Funnel Party for Hurricane Relief for those affected by recent devastating hurricanes.
“Each meal packed was a symbol of hope and care, offering relief to those navigating the challenging road to recovery,” said Lipscomb President Candice McQueen. “We are grateful to the hundreds of people — including many Lipscomb students, faculty, staff and alumni — who dedicated their time and energy yesterday to serve others. Serving others is an important way to make a difference and we are pleased to have this opportunity to impact the lives of those who need it most right now.”

Representatives of Lipscomb University, The Pack Shack, Vision Media Group and Convoy of Hope gathered before the Feed the Funnel party began on Nov. 17.

This event was made possible through partnerships with The Pack Shack, Visionary Media Group and Convoy of Hope.
“I’m blown away by the compassion and tireless energy of those who gathered to help pack these meals. It’s a 72 degree, sunny day in November and all of these amazing folks could be outside enjoying this weather but instead they joined to help serve others. It’s part of our ethos at Visionary Media Group and it’s humbling to be amid others with that same spirit,” said Ron Zamber, Visionary Media Group’s founder and managing partner.
“It was truly a special time. I can’t thank Pack Shack, Convoy of Hope and especially Lipscomb University for making their arena available to us and for bringing so many student and faculty representatives out to help pack these meals. It was truly incredible.”
The event started at 2 p.m. with country duo O.N.E The Duo ringing the opening gong to kick off the pack and ended with a loaded Convoy of Hope semi-truck driving to East Tennessee, North Carolina and Florida to deliver the meals packed at the event.

Convoy of Hope drove the meals to East Tennessee, North Carolina and Florida to deliver the meals packed at the event.
“In the wake of devastating hurricanes that have impacted countless lives, the Nashville community came together to help those in need,” says Bret Raymond, Chief Executive Officer of The Pack Shack. “This was a chance to actively and practically show support for those who need it most right now. Every meal we packed will make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by the hurricanes."
— Photos by Kristi Jones