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A message from President Lowry


The Lipscomb community often has opportunities to rejoice and celebrate together. We also come together when members of our family are hurting.

Bryant Hardison
Bryant Hardison

As many of you may already know, five of our students were involved in a tragic car accident early Saturday morning. One of those students, Bryant Hardison, lost his life as a result of injuries sustained in the accident. The other four students were injured, but the injuries are not life threatening.

On Sunday evening, the Lipscomb community shared a time of prayer and reflection. We ask that you continue to pray for the Hardison family and for the recovery of the other students involved in the accident — Adam Curtis, Rebecca Garthwaite, Stewart Nash and Ryan Wilson.

A variety of resources is available to members of the Lipscomb community during this time of loss. These include:

  • The Counseling Center — 966.1781
  • The Campus Life Care Team — 966.6061
  • The Campus Ministry Staff — 966.1797
  • Residence Hall Directors and R.A. staff — available in each residence hall

A memorial service is planned, but specific details are not complete at this time. We will provide additional information as it becomes available.

--Randy Lowry, President