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Marie Smith: A day to remember

Chris Pepple | 

Marie Smith has two special days to celebrate in the near future. On Friday, November 23, Smith will celebrate her 80th birthday with friends and family. December also marks the 42nd year she has been a part of the Lipscomb staff.

Smith is originally from Benton, Ark., and is a graduate of Arkansas Tech.  She worked in accounting services (then called the business office) from December 1965 until 1993. Since that time, she has managed Lipscomb rental properties and does some part-time work in accounting services in the collection of Perkins loans.

“I have always enjoyed working here,” Smith said. “At my retirement party, Jim Allen (then vice president of finance) asked me to stay and handle the rental property, so I just never left Lipscomb.”

Smith has three children, seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren (with one on the way). She enjoys the time she has to spend with her family.  Smith also volunteers every Thursday for World Christian Broadcasting offering assistance with general office work.

Happy Birthday, Marie Smith! Lipscomb University appreciates your many years of service.