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Look who's cooking for a cause

Chris Pepple | 

How often do you have breakfast cooked for you and served by lawyers, vice presidents, deans and coordinators? This morning, faculty and staff lined up to have Walt Leaver and Craig Bledsoe flip pancakes their way. Chuck Capps, Phil Ellenburg, Sharon Farmer, Susan Galbreath, Elaine Griffin, Mike Hammond, Scott McDowell, Keith Nikolaus, Ritchie Pickens and Steve Prewitt joined in to help cook omelets and serve coffee for a good cause. Sodexho will donate all proceeds from this breakfast to United Way.  

The servers donned chef’s hats and jackets as they made their way through the dining hall with steaming coffee. From behind the grill, Walt Leaver called out, “Pancakes! Pancakes! Get your hot pancakes here!” Craig Bledsoe tried to hide from the camera as he served up freshly made pancakes to hungry staff members.

You never know how you will catch Lipscomb University faculty and staff members serving others.