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Lipscomb University's Fourth 'Advance' Session Set


1698Lipscomb University will host the fourth Advance session August 23-24. Advance is offered to all first-time freshmen who have been accepted for admission to the university. While at Advance, students will learn about campus life, meet classmates, receive academic counseling, register for classes, spend a night on campus and have a lot of fun. Sessions will also be provided to help parents understand what college life will be like for their student, financial issues, and the adjustment to having a student in college. 1699For more information or to register for an Advance session, call the office of Campus Life at 279-5690 or 1-800-333-4358, ext. 5690. Photos: Melodie Miller (top left), director of multicultural affairs at Lipscomb, assists Phuoc Mai during Advance. (Bottom) Wade Sandrell, vice president for enrollment management and marketing, assists Rose Bufford, left, and her daughter, Ashley.