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Lipscomb University Lifelong Learning Spring Session 1 begins Feb. 14


The Lipscomb University Lifelong Learning Program begins its Spring Session 1 courses Feb. 14. Highlights of the session include an examination of poets, C.S. Lewis and landscaping.

Spring Session I courses include:

-- Some Favorite Poets.  Five classic American poets are favorites because of their power of expression and their ability to capture human experiences. This study examines the works of Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Carl Sandburg and Walt Whitman. The course is taught by Dr. Dennis Loyd, retired professor of English at Lipscomb University.

-- Readings in C.S. Lewis.  Dr. Bill Collins, professor of philosophy at Lipscomb, will lead this examination of C.S. Lewis, one of the most respected and influential writers of the 20th century.  His many books challenged the imagination and stirred the faith of millions of readers

-- Power, Politics, and Puritans:  A Survey of Colonial America. Dr. Richard Goode, associate professor of history, will investigate the real-life hopes and aspirations of Colonial Americans, discerning how they are not dissimilar from us in the 21st century.  This course will retell the biographies of selected Colonial Americans with an ear toward what they might say to us today.

-- Landscape Design Basics: Master gardener Lou Anne Sandlin will teach the "hows & whys" of landscape design with an emphasis on the principles and elements of design. Students will learn to apply these by drawing landscape plans they can use for themselves or just for fun.  This course is geared toward the beginning gardeners who want basics of design as well as the more experienced ones, who want to polish their landscape skills.

-- Computer I and Computer III. These courses teach basic and more advanced computer skills and techniques.

Classes meet on the Lipscomb campus, located at 3901 Granny White Pike, Nashville. For more information or to register for classes, call the Lifelong Learning Office at 279-5733 or toll-free at 800-333-4358, ext. 5733. The cost is $50 per person for each class. Individuals may take two classes during the same session for $75. For two people living at the same address enrolled for classes in the same five-week session, the cost is $75 for the two.

The Lipscomb University Lifelong Learning Program offers people of retirement and semi-retirement age an opportunity to expand knowledge and explore new ideas in an informal, noncompetitive environment.