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Lipscomb University adds course in global business, students head to Switzerland


            Lipscomb University is broadening its course offerings as it broadens students’ life experience; all to better equip those students with an education that reaches far beyond the classroom. The new course, entitled “Global Business, Culture and Travel Experience,” is being offered by the College of Business and will take place in Switzerland May 11-21. The course will enable students to meet and converse with executives at seven global companies, including Novartis Pharmaceutical, the Swiss National Bank and Camille Bloch, Chocolate Manufacturer, according to Charla Long, assistant professor of management at Lipscomb.

            Those attending will return to the United States with a global perspective and broadened horizons.

            “Business is a global enterprise,” Long said. “Geographic boundaries are a thing of the past. Companies have realized that in order to survive, they must explore multinational operations. It is important that our students experience and learn first hand the global community in which they will work."
            Switzerland was chosen as the location for the new course based on a combination of factors. According to some measures, Switzerland possesses the third largest stock exchange and has a diverse range of global companies represented. Opportunities abound for students to tour global companies that are excelling in their businesses.
            “We chose Switzerland because it is such a unique location,” said Steve Yoho, professor of business at Lipscomb. “While Europe’s other countries and China are more common international destinations, Switzerland seemed perfect at this time to meet the needs of this course for our students. We are examining the possibility of future trips of this sort to those areas because of the great offerings that also exist in those countries.” 
            Students will spend time before departing for Switzerland learning about Swiss culture and the business climate in Switzerland. Prior study will enable them to take advantage of the outstanding opportunities awaiting them.
            “We have developed an academically rigorous course for the Switzerland business trip, one that rivals that of other institutions, against which we based our decisions,” Long said. “One advantage of this course is that it is not limited to students in our College of Business. We have students signed up from a wide variety of educational backgrounds, including public relations, food systems management, psychology and information systems. We also have a high number of students from our adult studies program participating. This course will greatly benefit all who participate.”  
            The goals of this course are for students to achieve global business awareness, understand opportunities to integrate Biblical faith in international business, familiarize themselves with global environmental forces, develop a sensitivity to cultural differences across countries and markets, understand key international market entry and trading concepts, and identify the main issues for operating a functional business in an international setting.
            For more information about this course or about the College of Business at Lipscomb University, contact Long at 615.279.6242 or by e-mailing charla.long [at]