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Lipscomb staff writer publishes collection of short stories

Amber Stacey | 

Though newly released, Chris Pepple’s book, Look to See Me: A Collection of Reflections, has already started people talking about how the stories have impacted their lives.  This "Collections of Reflections" comes from years of observing and listening to voices that often go unheard and lives that go unnoticed. Pepple, Lipscomb writer/editor, combines her ministry with her writing talents to capture moments in life that are touching and honest. The "slice of life" short stories give the reader a glimpse into lives of ordinary women who walk through life with an extraordinary determination. The women in each story will seem familiar to each reader. Each woman in these stories walks through life with a unique yet universal story of faith, courage and love.

Pepple has been working as the university writer/editor at Lipscomb since May 2006. “I love writing at Lipscomb as much as I love writing my own books. Lipscomb has a fascinating story to tell through the staff, faculty, students and alumni. I enjoy the privilege of being able to help tell that story.”

Pepple has always enjoyed writing. “I wrote my first ‘book’ for a class project in the 2nd grade,” Pepple states. “I have been writing ever since. I truly enjoy writing. Having an entire book published has been one of my lifetime goals. It means a lot to me personally to see a goal achieved. Because of some personal challenges in life over the past few years, I was working against the odds to be able to achieve many of my goals. Writing here at Lipscomb has really been a stepping stone for me to be able to set new goals in life and achieve goals that had been set aside.”

In speaking about the stories in her new book, Pepple states, “I wrote the stories in my book because I believe every person has a story to tell—every person has a voice to be heard. We forget that sometimes and many people go overlooked on this journey. I created fictional characters that reveal the stories that needed to be heard—a woman who gets the news of her mother’s death, a women who finds out a friend has died, a woman who doesn’t know who she can tell her story to. Many people have touching powerful stories that are never heard. I tried to give voice to some of those people—people considered average or people overlooked. “

Chris Pepple writes from the heart. Her “slice of life” stories draw the reader in and touch you with their honesty. As a freelance writer, her works have appeared in many local and national publications. She is also the mother of two wonderful daughters who delight her with their own faith, courage and love.