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Lipscomb hosts first off-site police CompStat meeting

Janel Shoun | 

As part of a growing partnership between Lipscomb University and the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department, Lipscomb will host the department’s weekly CompStat leadership meeting at 8 a.m., Friday, Feb. 23, in the Ezell Center on the Belmont Boulevard side of campus at 3901 Granny White Pike.

The meeting is open to the public and will include detailed reports of criminal activity in each precinct. Normally held at the North Precinct headquarters on 26th Avenue North, Friday will offer residents in the Southwest portion of Davidson County a first-time, convenient opportunity to hear statistical summaries of incidents, details of specific arrests and crimes and discussion of proactive activities by the commanders of all six precincts.

The meeting is expected to last until noon and will be held in the Ezell Center’s third-floor conference center.

This first off-site CompStat meeting will not only provide Southwest Nashville residents a glimpse inside daily police work, but it offers Lipscomb’s students and staff a first-hand look at a government management system in action. Students are expected to be on hand to observe an effective communication system in a large organization.

The weekly CompStat meeting was established by Chief of Police Ronal Serpas, a strong advocate for community policing and the accountability-driven management system called CompStat. CompStat has been adopted by major police departments throughout the nation and is credited with cutting violent crime in half and reducing police misconduct in many areas, including New Orleans, where Serpas served from 1980 to 2001, rising to chief of operations.

When he came to Nashville in 2004, Serpas established the weekly CompStat meeting as a tool to keep the department’s management team focused and to hold them accountable for their crime fighting and community policing efforts. Since implementing the accountability system in Nashville, crime has dropped about 5.5%, according to the metro police Website.

For more information on the meeting, contact the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department at 862-7400.