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Lipscomb Community Chorus begins 12th year

Andrew Glass/Chris Pepple | 

The Lipscomb University Community Chorus (LUCC) prepares to embark on its 12th season of singing traditional and sacred a cappella anthems.  The chorus’s first rehearsal will be 7 p.m. on Monday, October 13, at the David Lipscomb High School chorus room in Harding Hall off of Granny White Pike.  Rehearsals will continue every second and fourth Monday, at the same time and location.

The LUCC exists to provide a choral experience for both former choral singers, and those who have little or no experience in chorus.  The group is comprised of mostly Lipscomb alumni and members of local Churches of Christ.  The chorus gladly welcomes anyone to join, having frequent participants from various denominations each year.  LUCC is an adult chorale group, with an estimated 60 members participating.  

The group plans to perform at least two concerts this upcoming year at Churches of Christ in the Nashville area. Robert King, director of the LUCC, encourages anyone who loves to sing to come and join the chorus. 

“Adults that always wanted to sing in a chorus can join with those who used to sing in a chorus and want to continue that love for choral music,” King said. 

The LUCC was created as an outlet for singers to use their talents and love for music to glorify God.  Rehearsals are conducted much like a high school or college choral class.  Since there is no attendance policy, members are welcome to participate as frequently as their schedule allows. The LUCC was established to provide choral enthusiasts with an opportunity to sing and meet others who share a passion for singing.   

Ruth Henry has been with the chorus from its conception in 1997. “I enjoy meeting people from all different walks of life who share my love for singing,” said Henry.  “I hope to meet more new people this year and that the chorus will be a bigger and better group than ever.”