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Lipscomb chosen as 'College of Character'


Lipscomb University has been chosen as a "College of Character" by the Character Clearinghouse at Florida State University.

Lipscomb was chosen as a university "that is making a sustained and comprehensive effort to promote the moral and civic education of its students," said Alicia Trexler, feature editor for the Center for the Study of Values in College Student Development at Florida State.

"We are grateful to the Character Clearinghouse for their work to promote character across the nation, and for their recognition of our efforts in the Nashville area. Events of recent weeks have affirmed, yet again, the essential nature of building character on a global basis, and we are determined to do our part," said Lipscomb President Stephen F. Flatt.

Lipscomb was chosen for several reasons, according to the Character Clearinghouse website at Included were Lipscomb's mission of integrating Christian faith and practice with academic excellence, combining faith and learning across the curriculum, its academic honor code, a new first-year program that helps to prepare freshmen for academic success and service in the community, and special initiatives of the Center for Character Development.

The Center for Character Development is involved in developing a citywide initiative that will encourage character education at every level of the community. The center is directed by Dr. Mary Morris, assistant professor of education and a national trainer for the Josephson Institute for Ethics.

The Character Clearinghouse is a comprehensive national information center for character development resources, events, programs, dialogue and leadership in higher education. The clearinghouse is designed especially for educators, student affairs staff, higher education organizations and others who are interested in encouraging the development of moral and civic responsibility in college student learning and development.