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Kittrell issues challenge to scholarship recipients

Chris Pepple | 

Marty (’77) and Jane (’76) Kittrell both received degrees in accounting from Lipscomb University and appreciate their opportunities to receive an education that was both academically strong and faith-based.  Through the Kittrell/Dennison Scholarship, their family now enables other students to attend the College of Business at Lipscomb. The Kittrell/Dennison Scholarship is awarded annually to qualifying students majoring in accounting or finance. In the 2008-09 school year, five students received funds from the scholarship: Aimee Crick, Ben Hardison, Brittany Boyer, Heather Harrison and Scott Sims.

The Kittrells enjoy the opportunity to meet the scholarship recipients through an annual dinner they host. This year, Marty Kittrell came to the dinner prepared to issue a challenge to the students. He brought with him five questions each written on a separate card. The questions focused on economics, finance and accounting and were all related to the economic situation facing Americans today. The students were challenged to take one question and write a 2500-word essay to answer that question.

“My wife and I host an annual dinner for the scholarship recipients. This year I added a twist for the five students. I challenged them to write a 2500-word essay. They had until the end of April to turn it in. I told them that if they prepared an essay, they would receive another $1000 towards their personal scholarships. The faculty will choose a winner for the essay contest. I am donating another $5000 to the College of Business, and the winner will help designate how these funds will benefit the college. All five students accepted the challenge and have turned in an essay. I read them and thought all of the students did a great job. I was appreciative of their efforts. It was a busy time for them, but they came through,” said Marty Kittrell, who serves as the CFO for Dresser, Inc., and also as a board member for Lipscomb.

“The Kittrells interact with our students wonderfully. They like to get to know the students personally. This year he handed to them an interesting opportunity. He challenged the students with questions related to the economic times we are in. The questions were in general about the stock market, federal spending, investment and treasury securities. Each student was challenged to submit a paper addressing their topic. It’s a great thing to do. The business world works in deadlines, so they came through even though this was a very busy time of year for our students. They all accepted his challenge,” said Charles Frasier, professor of accounting and chair of the department.

The College of Business seeks to provide students with the skills they need to be successful in today’s global business environment through faculty whose passion is helping students achieve their goals. The mission of the College of Business is to provide a faith-informed, dynamic learning environment that develops leaders of excellence and integrity. The faculty and staff are committed to developing business professionals who have the knowledge and skills to lead with integrity and responsibility. They provide excellent business education in a faith-informed learning environment that teaches students how to integrate their faith commitment in their professional careers.

At Lipscomb you can choose from six undergraduate business majors/concentrations: Accounting, BBA Accounting/MAcc, Financial Management, Financial Markets, Corporate Management, Human Resource Management, International Business, Marketing, and Marketing/Graphic Design. You can also continue your education in the Master of Business Administration program. The Lipscomb College of Business enjoys an excellent reputation in the Nashville business community. Nashville is rated as one of the best cities in the nation for business growth, which enables our majors to find outstanding internships and permanent job placements. Students are encouraged to participate in our mentoring program with business professionals in the Nashville area and in on-campus business clubs. Academic opportunities also include international travel experiences for our students.