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Hood wins Distinguished Service Award

Chris Pepple | 

Dennis Hood (’72), a member of Lipscomb's Information Technology group, received the Distinguished Service Award from the Tennessee Higher Education Information Technology Board at their annual meeting. The award is presented to those who have served their university and fostered a spirit of cooperation between schools. Over 150 attendees came to the symposium to share their experiences managing a campus IT organization, openly giving and receiving advice on how to handle the daily challenges of keeping up with the rapidly changing technological needs of students, faculty members and administrators on today’s campuses. Hood served as program chair for this conference for the past two years, helping to make this type of communication between schools possible.

Hood received a master of science degree in mathematics and a Ph.D. in high energy physics from Purdue University. In 1979, Hood returned to Lipscomb and began teaching physics and computer science courses.  He was instrumental in designing and implementing Lipscomb’s first campus-wide network in 1991 and served as network manger until 2000 when he assumed his current position.

“I was surprised by my award. The presenter read the qualifications of the winner and asked the group to guess who it would be. I didn’t realize it was me. It was an honor to accept this award and represent Lipscomb and the other private schools in attendance. I have seen so many changes in our computing program through the years. Lipscomb has made major advances, especially in the last year. I enjoy my work at Lipscomb and enjoy being able to network with other Tennessee universities,” said Hood.