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Green Hills Transportation Summit to convene at Lipscomb University

Kim Chaudoin | 615.966.6494 | 


As the city of Nashville continues to grow, so does the conversation about the city’s increased traffic volume.

The Alliance for Green Hills is convening its first Transportation Summit at Lipscomb University on Feb. 25 from 10 a.m. to noon in Stowe Hall, located in Swang Business Administration Center. The event is free and open to the public.

At the summit local transportation experts will examine current traffic patterns across the Green Hills area, in which Lipscomb University is located, and will focus on plans and projects that address traffic issues according to organizers.

Summit discussions will include the results of the traffic and transportation survey conducted by the Alliance which resulted in over 950 responses. The program will feature experts from the office of Nashville Mayor Megan Barry as well as Metropolitan Nashville and state organizations charged with improving transportation in Nashville. During the Summit, Doug Delaney, Senior Supervising Planner at professional services firm WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, will present a brand new visualization of traffic in Green Hills that will generate productive conversations about real-world solutions.

The Alliance for Green Hills is a nonprofit organization founded to advocate for community improvements. We gather all stakeholders to the table, from developers to government, from residents to business owners. We coordinate the talent and resources in our own backyard to find solutions to the challenges facing the neighborhood.

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