Graduate program in public administration launches focusing on government, nonprofit professionals
New Lipscomb program designed for working professionals new to public policy sector
Kim Chaudoin |

Lipscomb University has launched a new graduate program designed to prepare students and working professionals for a life of public service in government and the public nonprofit world.
The Master of Public Administration degree is designed to equip leaders for their first years in public policy. The program is housed in Lipscomb’s College of Leadership & Public Service, where Tennessee turns for leadership.
“A graduate degree in public administration is considered the gold standard for young people entering government service or changing careers with the intent of entering public service,” said Steve Joiner, dean of the College of Leadership & Public Service. “This is also a program for young people who have a desire to do meaningful work that makes a difference in their communities but they are uncertain about how to start on that path.”
Students in the MPA program will develop leadership skills, an understanding of state finance processes, the ability to assess data and to make data-driven decisions and a network of connections with state and local leaders. Each student is assigned a mentor who is an experienced leader in state or local government or a nonprofit to help them develop a clear career path. In each course, students learn from professors who are practitioners at the state and local levels.
The program is designed for working professionals, offered in a hybrid format allowing for in-person and online class meetings with two weekends on-campus per course. It is a 15-month, 36-credit hour program that also includes an internship and capstone project. Scholarships are available. Classes begin in August.
Learn more about Lipscomb’s Master of Public Administration degree.
About Lipscomb University’s College of Leadership & Public Service
Lipscomb University’s College of Leadership & Public Service is where Tennessee turns for leadership. Over the past decade, Lipscomb University has built a group of institutes that serve the common good and support innovative solutions. These institutes are housed in this college and include the Institute for Conflict Management, the Fred D Gray Institute for Law, Justice and Society and the Institute for Sustainable Practice. Each offers graduate degree programming in addition to other initiatives including certificate programs, Rule 31 training and more. The college offers programs of study in pre-law, public service, nonprofit management, corporate social justice, government, sustainability, leadership and public service and urban studies. To learn more about the college visit