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Gobbel to sign book about March murder case at Beaman Library Nov. 8

Janel Shoun | 

Lipscomb University’s Beaman Library will host a book-signing for Phyllis Gobbell, co-author of the first book written on the notorious Perry March murder case, at 4 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 8, in the library.
In “An Unfinished Canvas: the true story of love, family, and murder in Nashville,” Phyllis Gobbell, along with Michael Glasgow, both of Nashville, recounted the 11 year mystery that captivated Nashvillians and the nation.
On the surface, artist and mother Janet March had a picture-perfect existence before she disappeared. In reality, her husband led a secret, destructive life of promiscuity and neglect. For ten years after her disappearance, Janet’s parents would drag him through the court system. And though there was no body, no cause of death, and no physical evidence, they would find justice.
This true story of one of Nashville’s most famous missing persons case is brilliantly captured by the authors, who were well-connected to key law enforcement players in this case. “An Unfinished Canvas” will put you right in the midst of this incredibly baffling murder case while providing extremely detailed and insightful recollections of who the March family was and what could have possibly torn them apart, ultimately leading to this astonishing disappearance.
Published by Penguin, “An Unfinished Canvas,” is a compelling read and will draw you once again into the excitement and drama of the March case.