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Garner Goode wins ASAP conference Outstanding Student Leader Award

Chris Pepple | 

Last month, the Lipscomb University Student Alumni Association (SAA) joined colleges from nine southeastern states in Savannah, Ga., for the annual Association of Student Advancement Programs (ASAP) district conference. ASAP is an alliance of student organizations that provides resources and opportunities for networking and leadership development. It promotes student involvement in educational advancement and rewards excellence in student programming.

As part of the annual district conference, ASAP acknowledges the accomplishments of member schools and their students. This year ASAP awarded Garner Goode the Outstanding Student Leader award in recognition of his service to Lipscomb University. Goode is a senior majoring in exercise science/pre-physical therapy. Garner, who came to Lipscomb from Dresden, Tenn., was a founding member of Lipscomb’s SAA and was selected as an inaugural member of the organization based upon his personal qualities demonstrated during his freshman year. Corresponding with his participation in the SAA, Garner has served in the Student Government Association and was elected president of the student body this year. He has also served as an Admissions Office Ambassador and on the Quest Team, Lipscomb’s freshmen orientation team, for three years.

“Garner has an overpowering desire to serve others that is guided by his heart, his passion, and his compassion. He led the SAA to be not just about alumni programs but to give back to the community and to those who have led the way in years past. At all times, he is respectful, genuine, and sincere. His heart compels his actions just as his actions inspire others to follow him,” said James Brown, SAA director and coordinator of alumni events.

“A key motivation in starting Lipscomb’s SAA was to build relationships between students, alumni, and friends of the university. It is here that Garner has a genuine gift. He is able to reach out, to find common ground, and to make people feel uniquely comfortable with him. His manner empowers and engages other people to be their best by building up people. Garner has repeatedly reached out to fellow SAA members to help them reach their potential and to help them overcome challenges they face. He also reaches out in service projects and in mission trips. When Garner graduates from Lipscomb in May, his leadership and enthusiasm will be missed, but remembered. It will be gone, but still felt. Garner’s leadership will have a lasting impact on Lipscomb and the SAA. He will continue to have influence on the success of the SAA and in the lives he has touched. As a graduate, Garner will no doubt continue to lead as an alumnus and will find new ways to give back to the university and the community.”

“Being in SAA has given me a great opportunity to encourage the interaction between our students and alumni. I am very honored to receive this award and represent Lipscomb University and SAA,” said Goode.