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Friends of Beaman Library to support library


The academic library is at the heart of a university and is considered by many to be the largest classroom on campus.

The Beaman Library at Lipscomb University is a vital part of the institution’s academic program. As such, many resources are needed to maintain it as a vital center of academia. Seeing this need, a group of Lipscomb students, along with Beaman Library faculty, recently established a support group for the library known as the “Friends of Beaman Library.”
According to Carolyn Wilson, Beaman Library director, the purpose of this group is to make possible the purchase of needed materials and equipment, to identify and solicit in-kind gifts of books, collections, manuscripts and memorabilia; to provide vital links to the Nashville community; and to facilitate a focus for cultural events and exchange of ideas.
“Over the past few years, it has become necessary that we look to finding auxiliary means of support for the library outside normal budget income. The inflationary cost of journals has eroded possibilities of expanding our collection either in print or in electronic resources. We have looked at many different types of libraries that have successfully developed ‘Friends’ groups to great benefit,” said Wilson.
Wilson said Friends of Beaman Library can help in a variety of ways, including as volunteers in the library, through traditional memberships, by soliciting specific collections and through making large philanthropic gifts.
Friends of Beaman Library will be designated as “Beaman Library Pillars”. “The name was taken from the columns prominent in the architecture of the library building, also used in the design of the library web site, which symbolize support and strength.”, said Wilson. The designated pillar levels and the gift amounts are: Student Pillars, $10-25; Contributing Pillars, $25-99; Sustaining Pillars, $100-199; Patron Pillars, $200-499; Life Pillars, $500-999; and Pillar Society, $1000 and above.
The Friends of Beaman Library held its inaugural reception during Lipscomb’s Homecoming activities in February. Patrick Graham, director of the Pitts Theological Library at Emory University, was the featured speaker.
“This event that launched the Friends of Beaman Library was encouraging in terms of response and offers us potential for building a solid base of memberships. We are grateful for the support of our Student Government Association in this endeavor, who recognized a need and committed their resources to this end,” said Wilson. “We have continued to receive a steady and positive response to this effort.”
Wilson said students have played a integral role in the development of this support organization for the library.
“I cannot say enough good things about the support of our students in this effort. They are very caught up in the mission. We have already received a pledge for continuing support from the Student Government Association for another event next year, more financial support for the Recreational Reading Collection and a financial gift,” said Wilson.
“The Beaman Library serves as one of the pillars of the academic program here at Lipscomb.  On any university campus a superior library facility is essential to students' intellectual development.  I have been delighted with the student-friendly atmosphere Carolyn Wilson has created within Beaman Library and recognize that anything the SGA can do to promote the quality of our library has a multiplier effect in its benefit to the student body.  We hope to make the Friends of Beaman Library an annually SGA sponsored event, and look forward to continuing to develop the relationship between the SGA and the Beaman Library staff,” said Matt Williams, Lipscomb SGA president.
For more information about the Friends of Beaman Library, call Wilson at 615.269.1793 or 800.333.4358, ext. 1793 or e-mail Carolyn.wilson [at]