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Follow Mike Smith's final days of the Underground Railroad Bike Tour

Chris Pepple | 

On May 11, Mike Smith (’82), director for High Rise Residence Hall at Lipscomb, began his 2,028-mile trek along the Underground Railroad Bike Tour to raise money for diversity scholarships at Lipscomb. It has been a journey of fellowship, of rediscovering the past, and of writing his own narrative for future generations to discover. The tour mirrors the journey slaves traveled seeking freedom. Unlike the fear and secrecy surrounding the path of a slave, however, Smith rides openly during daylight hours enjoying the scenery and speaking publicly about his trip. Thanks to the kindness of strangers and newly found friends, Smith has enjoyed wonderful meals and accommodations along his route realizing that slaves survived this journey only through the generosity of others willing to open their homes as they have for him.

The path that Smith is following is based partly on the spiritual “Follow the Drinking Gourd.” The “Drinking Gourd” is a colloquial name for the “Big Dipper,” the constellation that points to Polaris, the North Star. Many slaves followed that star north to freedom. Adventure Cycling has chosen to honor the bravery of that period of history by developing this bicycle tour. The route passes through Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York. The ride is divided into five sections based on the Adventure Cycling Association mapping system. Smith is now traveling the final section of the journey. 

Along the route, Smith sends Twitter messages about rain storms, small-town family restaurants and interesting people he speaks with. He blogs about river crossings, host families and historical sites he ventures near on the route. He has been chased by dogs and drenched by rain storms, never giving up the ride. Churches have provided lodging and meals. Hosts also gave him free lodging in their homes, in cabins, and in a local bed and breakfast. He has spoken to local congregations about his ride, stressing his desire to help make a Christian education available to all who seek the opportunity.

As Smith enters the final days of his journey, follow his blog and Twitter updates describing the New York leg of his journey and his crossing into Canada. Continue to show your support for his efforts by donating online to diversity scholarships at Lipscomb University.