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On the First Day We Pray concludes in Bison Square


For the tenth consecutive year, the Lipscomb community began the new school year by spending 24 consecutive hours in a non-stop prayer meeting. Faculty, staff, administration and members of the community joined in prayer for every student, faculty and staff member by name.

"One of the goals from the very beginning of our prayer meetings has been to ask God's blessings upon the school and each individual by name as the school year begins," said Walt Leaver, vice president for university relations. "This year, we especially considered the exciting news of having a new President and all of the opportunities that presents. We are anticipating a wonderful school year and asking God to bless Dr. Lowry and all of those who will be a part of Lipscomb this year."

 During the annual chapel in Bison Square that concludes the 24 hours of prayer, representatives from various areas of Lipscomb led our community in prayer, asking that God use us all for His will to be done for the students, for the employees, for the community and for the world.

"As we read in the Bible, 'Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain,'" Leaver said, quoting Psalm 127. "We pray that the Lord will guide us as we all continue to build this 'house.'"