Dr. Emily Mofield: Coaching in Gifted Education
Providing the structures and resources needed to facilitate coaching to enhance identifying, serving and teaching high-potential learners.
By Janel Shoun-Smith |

Coaching in Gifted Education: Tools for Building Capacity and Catalyzing Change
Dr. Emily Mofield (Lipscomb Assistant Professor of Education) and Dr. Vicki Phelps
Routledge, 2023

Gifted students spend most of their time in the regular classroom, yet few general education teachers have the specialized training to address their unique needs. This book provides the structures, processes and resources needed to facilitate GT (Gifted/Talented) coaching as a means of building capacity among classroom teachers to identify, serve and teach gifted and high-potential learners.
Guided by best practices and research in professional learning, this resource provides the steps, strategies and tools needed to create and sustain effective coaching practices designed to maximize access to advanced learning and differentiation throughout a school. Bolstered by downloadable resources, chapters address how to support, stretch and sustain teachers’ instructional practices through a sequence of co-thinking, co-planning and reflection that emphasizes ongoing and sustainable professional learning.