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Dinner to honor Drs. Paul Langford and Oliver Yates

Chris Pepple | 

Drs. Paul Langford and Oliver Yates will be honored by Lipscomb University at a dinner on Saturday, March 10, 2007, in the Ezell Center with a reception beginning at 5:30 pm and dinner beginning at 6:00 pm. Special guest speakers from Lipscomb and from the community will highlight the careers of both men. As part of the tribute, a fund will also be established in honor of Drs. Langford and Yates which will support undergradaute research at Lipscomb. For more details or to make reservations for the evening, contact Pat Roberts, administrative assistant to the dean of the College of Natural and Applied Sciences, at (615) 966-6146 or by e-mail at


“We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:3).”

When speaking of Drs. Paul Langford and Oliver Yates, former students and colleagues speak of them with similar accolades given by Paul to the Thessalonians. Both Langford and Yates are honored for their work produced by faith, their labor prompted by love, their endurance inspired by hope in Jesus Christ. They represent over 90 years of teaching in the sciences at Lipscomb. “In many ways,” states Ben Hutchinson, dean of Lipscomb’s College of Natural and Applied Sciences, “they are responsible for the excellence currently established in the sciences at Lipscomb.” In 1994, Dr. Thomas Duncan and his wife, Judith, donated funds necessary to establish the Langford-Yates Distinguished Professorship at Lipscomb University to honor the dedication of both men.

Dr. Thomas Duncan comments, “Dr. Yates and Dr. Langford combined in creating a premedical program at Lipscomb which resulted in the highest percentage medical school acceptance rate in the state. One of their graduates, gastroenterologist Dr. Robert McClure received the Founder’s Medal as valedictorian from Vanderbilt Medical School. Many others had Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society accolades.”

At the time of the establishment of the professorship, Harold Hazelip, then university president, said “Paul Langford and Oliver Yates have become synonymous with the excellent reputation enjoyed by our science departments and our premedical program. Their dedication to excellence and their cooperative spirit are exemplary.”

Dr. Paul Langford joined the Lipscomb faculty in 1962 as an assistant professor of chemistry. He was later appointed associate professor and served as the chairman of the chemistry department from 1980 through 1993. He also served as the premedical committee chair. During Langford’s tenure as chairman of that committee, medical school acceptances stayed well above the national average. Langford’s dedication assisted many students in entering medical, dental, pharmacy, veterinary, nursing, optometry, podiatry, chiropractic, physical therapy and other allied heath programs. He was one of the first recipients of the Langford-Yates Distinguished Professorship.

“When I recall Paul Langford‘s years at Lipscomb, I naturally think of his success as a teacher of chemistry,” states Dr. Jim Arnett, professor of biology at Lipscomb. “I still encounter his former students who fondly recall one or more classes under Dr. Langford’s excellent tutelage.  I think one of his secrets was the way he made students feel comfortable coming to him with questions or to get something clarified.  In addition, Paul invested a great deal of his time in leadership of the Premedical Advisory Committee.  His oversight of the advising and recommendation process helped to successfully guide many students into their chosen professional programs.”

When speaking of his time at Lipscomb, Langford states, “I truly enjoy all that I have done with Lipscomb. I had the privilege of teaching some of the finest young people in the world.” Though he retired in 1995, Langford still serves the university by helping to recruit premed students who express an interest in university programs.

Dr. Oliver Yates joined the Lipscomb faculty in 1957. He served as chairman of the biology department from 1972 through 1993. Yates is known nationally for his research into paraganglioma, a tumor of neurological tissue which produces tremendous negative effects on the nervous system upon removal. Yates has helped in the development of the pharmacology and treatment of patients who have had such tumors removed. He still teaches at Lipscomb as the Langford-Yates Distinguished Professor of Biology.

“Oliver Yates has always been characterized by his high energy level and his interest in creating an excellent learning environment in his classes and labs,” Arnett comments. “Students know that he is serious and they, in turn, are encouraged to become serious learners.  For decades of his life he tirelessly taught and directed the Department of Biology and did both with great effectiveness.  In addition, he was a capable ambassador and occasional fundraiser for the university due to his natural enthusiasm and love for the school and his students.” 

When speaking of his decision to come to Lipscomb, Yates states, “I was asked to make a lifetime commitment to come to Lipscomb and help build a strong Christian institution. I have honored that commitment and plan to complete my life’s profession here.”

Both Dr. Yates and Langford serve the church, the university and the community with a dedication founded by a strong faith and a love for the work they do.