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Dan Miller to discuss ""48 Days to the Work You Love"" March 1


Career coach Dan Miller will present "48 Days To The Work You Love" on Wednesday, March 1 at 10 a.m. in Alumni Auditorium. The program is geared for seniors, faculty and alumni.

Miller is president of The Business Source and author of "48 Days to the Work You Love." Dan helps those he serves to see clear patterns from which one can make successful career and job decisions by understanding their God-given skills and abilities, personality traits, values, dreams and passions, said Lisa Shacklett, director of Lipscomb's Career Development Center.

His books and materials are great for people struggling with the question "What do I want to be?"

For more information, contact Shacklett at 615.279.6296 or by e-mailing lisa.shacklett [at]