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Covey workshop can help enhance personal effectiveness


The Lipscomb University Graduate Studies in Education Program will host The Steven Covey Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Signature Series workshop May 30-June 2 from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on the campus, located at 3901 Granny White Pike, Nashville.
The goal of this workshop is to help individuals achieve personal and interpersonal effectiveness from the inside out, according to Junior High, director of the Graduate Studies in Education program at Lipscomb.
“In today’s fast-paced world, being effective is very important. People are already working hard, but they can probably work more effectively. This workshop will help participants be more aware of this and to learn how to be more effective and more influential to those around them,” he said.
Facilitators of the workshop are High, who is also an assistant professor of education, and Jim Thomas, professor of communication. Participants can earn up to three hours of graduate credit. Each participant will receive resource materials, cd references, a journal and more. Space is limited. Participants must pre-register by May 22. For complete information, including tuition costs, call the Graduate Education Office at 615.279.6081 or 800.333.4358, 6081.