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Centerville Church to honor Rogers


Rogers, Paul

Paul Rogers

CENTERVILLE (Tenn.) - Centerville Church of Christ, 138 North Central Avenue, will collect a special contribution in honor of longtime minister Paul Rogers on Sunday, Nov. 28. Services will be held at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Proceeds from the collection will be used to fund the "Paul Rogers Board Room" in the new Bible/academic building to be constructed at Lipscomb University next year, said William B. McDonald, one of the church's elders. McDonald is also a member of Lipscomb's Board of Trustees.

A total of $200,000 is needed to fund the room, and approximately $103,000 in gifts and pledges has already been raised, university officials said.

"As members of the Centerville church family we are thankful that Paul and Judy are to be honored in this way," McDonald said. "His loving-kindness and servant heart have served this city and community for more than 48 years and it is our joy to have a part in making this room in Lipscomb's new Bible building possible."

Lipscomb President Stephen F. Flatt said no one "has given his life more thoroughly to preaching the gospel and demonstrating Christ in action than Paul Rogers.

"Naming the new board room in his honor will serve as a perpetual reminder of the values of Christlikeness, service, truth and excellence that should guide our board's relationships and deliberations," Flatt said.

In addition to his longtime service with the Centerville church, Rogers served as a member of Lipscomb's Board of Trust for 18 years before health issues necessitated his retirement from the board last year.

For much of his tenure, he chaired the board's Academic Affairs Committee, helping to ensure that Lipscomb's mission of integrating Christian faith and practice with academic excellence was accomplished throughout the curriculum, Flatt said.

Rogers was presented the "Diakonia Award" at Lipscomb in 2003 to recognize his 50 years in ministry. He and his wife, Judy, were also presented the university's "Barnabas Award" in honor of their service and encouragement to the church.

The new building at Lipscomb will house the university's College of Bible and Ministry and several departments from the College of Education and Professional Studies, including education, communication, and history, politics and philosophy.
The 75,000-square-foot facility will also house the McCaleb Mission Center, Doris Swang Chapel, the Center for Leadership Excellence, Center for Character Development, and Center for International Peace and Justice, classrooms and faculty offices, in addition to the Paul Rogers Board Room.

Approximately $6.8 million has been raised toward the $9.5 million goal, which the university hopes to have in place in time to begin construction late next spring.

Those wishing to participate in the special collection but cannot attend services on the 28th may take contributions to the church office or mail them to Lipscomb University, earmarked for the Paul Rogers Board Room, at 3901 Granny White Pike, Nashville, TN 37204-3951.