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Candy brings smiles to students

Chris Pepple/Amber Stacey | 

As students were skittling out of chapel today, the Alumni Office and the Student Alumni Association had a surprise waiting just outside Allen Arena. “The students don’t know they have free candy waiting for them out here,” Amy Hamar, alumni relations manager, stated. “It’s just a surprise to say we’re glad you are here.”

Snickers could be heard among the students as they stepped out and discovered the tables full of treats. The pondering students eyed the sweets and wondered what could be up. Soon the words “free candy” popped through the crowds.

Joe Ivey, vice president for advancement, grabbed a basket and headed into a group of gathering students, “It’s free. Have some candy.”

At first the question, “Really?” came from most students. Then Ivey was surrounded by students calling out, “Awesome. Thanks.”

President Randy Lowry grabbed a full basket and called out, “It’s candy day at Lipscomb.” As one student thanked him for the candy, Lowry responded, “Just a little reward for the day. Thanks for being here.”

Freshman Libby Hodge commented, “I have a major sweet tooth. This is great.”

In assessing the success of the moment, Ivey concluded that Butterfingers and Rolo’s went quickly from his basket. Lowry noticed that some students preferred the fruit snacks over the chocolate treats. Students seemed happy with the surprise and headed off energized for the morning. There’s nothing sweeter than a king-size treat to make Lipscomb students feel like 100 grand.

To see fun photos from Candy Day 2006 click here. :)