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Business students take first place in international competition


BSG I Heart Gravity 05

"I Heart Gravity"

BSG Hybrid 05


BSG Azure Athletics 05

"Azure Athletics"

BSG Just for Kicks 05

"Just for Kicks"

Lipscomb University business students in team "I Heart Gravity" were grand champions in their industry in this year's Best Strategy Invitational, a global competition among high-performing Business Strategy Game (BSG)-Online companies worldwide. The BSG is published and marketed by McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Inc. It is an international competition for college and university, undergraduate and graduate, business students.

"I Heart Gravity" will be inducted into the Business Strategy Game Hall of Fame - an honor bestowed by the global administrators of the game to recognize the elite teams of the world, according to Steve Little, instructor in management at Lipscomb University.

Three other Lipscomb teams were also invited to compete in the BSG competition. Each Lipscomb team was assigned to one of eleven industries. Each industry had twelve teams competing. The three other Lipscomb teams placed second ("Hybrid" - industry 4), third ("Azure Athletics" - industry 7) and fourth ("Just for Kicks" - industry 9) in their respective industry-level competitions.

"'I Heart Gravity' did a superb job of working hard to win in a very competitive industry," Little said. "The competition was intense - reflecting both the high quality of the participating teams and the high level of aggressiveness of these competitors. All of our teams performed well, again demonstrating that Lipscomb students can successfully compete against the best in the world. They are prepared to do well, and more importantly, they are prepared to do good."

"Our students don't learn to 'win at all costs;' they learn that true success is found when all stakeholders win. They are guided by a moral compass, reflecting our shared Christian values," Little said. "Our students were well-equipped to handle this competition and they excelled because they were able to identify a unique strategy for their business ventures and execute that strategy better than other teams."

Teams are chosen to participate in the competition based on their performance during competitions within their respective universities. This semester, approximately 4,500 teams from hundreds of universities competed in the BSG. The competitions begin on a local level with the teams at each university competing against each other. The best performing teams, those that win their university competition or those whose performance ranks in the top twenty globally during any week of the local competition, are invited to participate in the Best Strategy Invitational Global Competition.

This semester, 351 teams were invited to compete in the global competition and 132 teams accepted the invitation, according to Little. The 132 teams represented 64 universities from nine countries (Australia, Canada, France, Lithuania, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Thailand, and the United States). These 132 teams represent 3 percent of the registered teams. The competition included undergraduate and graduate (MBA) programs.

For more information about the business department at Lipscomb or about Lipscomb's involvement in the BSG-Online Business Strategy Game competition, contact Little at 615.279.5956 or by emailing steve.little [at]