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Alumni needed for mentoring program

Chris Pepple | 

Lipscomb’s Career Development Center knows the value of connecting Lipscomb students to alumni. Lisa Shacklett, director of the center, is in the process of creating a career exploration mentoring program that allows alumni to offer advice through e-mail or telephone conversations to current students as they choose a career path right for them. “We want to encourage students in the area of career exploration,” Shacklett adds. “We want to connect students with someone who works in the field they are interested in entering so students can ask specific questions about the field and how to enter it. Some students may not know anyone working in the profession they want to enter. Other students may be uncertain of which career will best fit their talents and long-term goals.”

To develop the mentoring program, the Career Development Center is creating a database of Lipscomb alumni interested in serving as mentors to current students. Alumni can give back to the school by giving advice to students wanting more information about the realities of working in certain fields. Alumni can choose how many times a month they wish to be contacted. Interested alumni can enroll in the program by creating their own account in the eRecruiting database on the center’s web page. For more information visit or send an e-mail to