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Thursday, August 29, 2024 7:00 PM-8:00 PM

Ward Auditorium

The HPAC for all FIRST-YEAR students is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 29, at 7:00-8:30pm in Ward Auditorium. 

The agenda at this gathering aims to "re-orient" these students in terms of pre-health preparation:

  • a brief survey of the diverse post-graduate fields
  • a brief introduction to relevant LU programs in CHS plus Pharm--not about recruiting for majors, but informing about professions
  • an overview of what becoming a "competitive applicant" will require
  • a brief introduction to HPAC's mission/services
  • a brief introduction to relevant student organizations (MED Club, PA Club, Dental Club, HOSA, etc.)
  • a checklist of first-year priorities for becoming competitive

Contact hearnmg [at] (Matt Hearn) for details and registration