Current Students
Whether you're a new or current student, there’s several steps in the process from applying to receiving financial aid, so it’s good to understand where you are and what to expect next.
Overview of Financial Aid Process
Step 1 - Apply for Aid
- Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) each year. Lipscomb’s School code: 003486
- If your parents will be using a Parent PLUS loan to help pay for your school year, they should complete the Parent PLUS application at early in the summer. Please allow 2 weeks for Parent PLUS loans to appear on your account.
- Apply for any needed alternate loans from your chosen lender. Learn more about alternative loans and lenders here. Please allow three weeks for alternate loans to appear on your account.
Step 2 - Review your Financial Aid Package
- You’ll be notified via your Lipscomb email address when a Financial Aid package is ready to view in your myLipscomb Student Portal. Review your aid and take action on any Federal Direct Loans offered to you. (see Step 4)
- Students are required to notify the Financial Aid office of any outside aid or scholarships.
Step 3 - Complete Verification (if applicable)
- In some instances, supporting documentation will be required to verify the data you submitted on the FAFSA. The Financial Aid office will notify you by email if you are selected for verification.
- For identification only verification, the Financial Aid Office will send an email requesting that you stop by the Financial Aid office with your unexpired valid government-issued photo ID and complete a short Statement of Educational Purpose form.
Step 4 - Review aid and loan offers
- All scholarships and grants are funds you do not repay and are automatically accepted for you.
- If you complete the FAFSA, Federal loan offers will be part of your aid package. You can accept or decline these loan offers through your Student Portal under My Financial Aid > Financial Aid Overview. If you are accepting loans for the first time, be sure to locate the links for the Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling to complete through
Step 5 - Pay your bill
- Make sure your aid is in place by reviewing your Registration Bill on your CNS Student Portal under My Finances > My Registration Bill. All accepted aid will be listed in pending status and will be deducted from the amount owed. Disbursement of your aid to your bill will occur a few weeks after the start of classes.
- Any remaining balance should be paid or set up a payment plan by the term due date. Information about the Lipscomb Payment Plan is available here.
Payment arrangements are due on the following dates:
- Fall Term: Aug 1st
- Spring Term: Dec 1st
- Summer Term: May 1st

Applying for Financial Aid
There is a path to affording a life-changing education. Learn more about the steps you need to take to apply for aid that will help you achieve your goals. Follow this step by step process to gain access to financial aid.
Applying for Financial Aid
Tuition & Cost
Each year thousands of Lipscomb students afford a life-changing education. And they do it because at Lipscomb, 99 percent of undergraduates receive some form of financial help, from merit-based scholarships to work-study programs to federal grants. Find out what your options are. The following costs are for a typical undergraduate student living on campus for a semester.
Tuition & Cost
Types of Aid
There are several ways to finance a Lipscomb degree: grants, scholarships, loans and work study. Based on these resources, our financial counselors will put the best available package together for you. In addition, Lipscomb will apply any outside scholarships or grants you have earned and apply them to your financial aid package.
Types of Aid