Common Questions
We know you may still have additional questions about studying abroad.
We have included some of the most common questions we receive, but we encourage you to reach out to globallearning [at] (Global Learning) directly to set up a time to discuss any additional questions.
Semester-long programs typically do not interfere with graduating on time because they offer several general education requirements. Students are also permitted to take one online course or independent study course to keep on track with their major. Check with your academic advisor to see what's available. Short-term (5 weeks or less) travel courses usually take place outside the standard academic year, and should not change your graduation date.
Students may choose to use frequent flyer miles for semester-long programs only. If you choose to purchase your own flights, your study abroad program fee will be discounted (when applicable). Tell the Global Learning office upon application that you would like to book your own flights. You will be required to submit a copy of your ticketed itinerary, and you must arrive in the host country before or at the same time as the group.
Most U.S. students going abroad for programs less than 90 days do not require a visa. The Global Learning office will let you know what your program requires and will work with you on this process. If you are a Lipscomb student and not a U.S. citizen, you may have different visa requirements. Please let us know upon application as well as International Student Services.
Scholarships may apply. Students are encouraged to reach out to the global learning office for further information. Additionally, we advise you to consult with financialaid [at] (Financial Aid) about scholarships and the bursar [at] (Business Office) about setting up a payment schedule.
At Global Learning, our goal is to make studying abroad accessible to students, regardless of their financial situation. With this in mind we have created a Financial Aid & Scholarship Resource List to help students find opportunities for scholarships to support their study abroad program.
Some of the scholarships included in this list are: The Gilman Scholarship for Pell Grant recipients, The McCain Scholarship for children of active duty military personnel, The Meghan Day Scholarship for Vienna students (Fall only), and the Office of Intercultural Development Grant. This list includes a variety of other outside study abroad scholarships available for students who are willing to seek them out.
Please reach out to globallearning [at] (Global Learning) if you need additional guidance and we will do our best to assist you.
Scholarship Resource List
For semester-long programs, we recommend that students study abroad during their sophomore year. This is because we believe it is important for students to get acquainted with campus life during their freshman year, and students are required to take most of their major courses during their junior and senior years. Short-term programs run during summer and winter breaks, and students of all classifications are encouraged to apply.
No, we do not require that students have any foreign language skills prior to studying abroad. However, we do require that the student enroll in at least one foreign language course while abroad (applicable to all semester-long programs, except for London). Learning the local language will help students to better understand their host culture and interact with locals.
Because of the high demand for our programs, we recommend that students apply about a year prior to the semester they want to study abroad. For short-term programs, students should apply several months prior to trip departure. Please reach out to Global Learning for any specific deadlines
Yes! You can participate in multiple programs as long as you choose a different location each time and take courses toward your degree completion.