General Athletics El Salvador 2024
January 8, 2025

Written by: Aly Negovetich
What a wonderful time our team had this week serving and praising the Lord in El Salvador! None of what happened last week would have been possible without the provision of God but also the prayers and support from our family and friends. Thank you to all who are part of the Lipscomb family who have been with us every step of the way. There are never enough words or stories that can fully sum up the time, but my hope is this letter will show the greatness and generosity of our God.
Our visit started the same way it ended. With lots of love and prayers of course, but also with last minute changes and confusion. However, all of this was because God wanted to bless us! The team was originally going to Baja, Mexico but within three days we had a trip to El Salvador instead. Our flight home got delayed multiple times and we were going to miss our connecting flight. Instead we actually ended up landing in Nashville an hour ahead of the original plan even though we thought we were going to be five hours behind. That was scary and stressful but God worked it out.
God's hand was over the whole trip and the people we were with. Lipscomb owes a great thank you to our leaders in El Salvador, Humberto, Mirna and Hilda. They are the best leaders, encouragers and hosts. They showed us love and patience as they served and connected with the group all week. Not only did they want to show us their ministry and the people they love, but also some of the best parts of El Salvador and the culture of the country they love. Our team learned so much from them about what it means to be a light in the darkness and put others before ourselves.
Some of the adventures we experienced this week were being in Thómas Rodriguez neighborhood, BeSports indoor/outdoor sports complex, playing soccer, English conversation class, Iglesia Fe, Vito Guarto special needs orphanage for all ages, downtown San Salvador, the beach, a baptism and many nights of group devo time. When I look back on the photos all I see is smiles and beauty. It was beautiful the way our team loved everyone around us even though we all didn't speak the same language.
So much good in El Salvador came out of so much difficulty in Baja, Mexico. Personally, I am learning to have joy in chaos and challenges. I learned that two emotions can exist at the same time and work together to make an experience richer. What a pleasure it was to still be together and serve alongside God's people regardless of location. Our team is now all stepping back into "normal life," however we are living with a greater sense of what it means to do things with an eternal significance. We desire to keep living with the same mindset of service and love towards others. No matter where we are, the presence of the Lord will be.
Please continue to pray for our team and our transition back, and the ministries in El Salvador and Baja, Mexico.
Not a Trip
Category: Student Life