Academy Bahamas Winter Mission Recap
January 21, 2025

Day 1
WOW! Even though it’s the first day of our trip, we have already seen God in so many ways. From waking up at 2am to winding down with devotional and prayer, we have already seen us grow together as a team and community.
Day 2
The presence of God was everywhere through all the relationships being made and all the stories being shared. We started our day with prayer and devo on Romans 12:6-8 to prepare our minds for the long and exciting day ahead. We headed over to Lend a Hand (Bahamian Hand) to meet all the campers who were soon to be friends. We broke the ice with them by introducing ourselves and learning about them. It was high key awkward until we found out we share lots of similar interests like music, sports, and celebrity crushes (lol). We then left the Lend a Hand building and headed to the multi-sport park. When we arrived at the park, we organized ourselves into groups and the station leaders got their stations set up. We had football, basketball, soccer, and volleyball stations for all the campers.
Day 3
We headed to the park where we would do the camp but when we first arrived there were government workers who were cleaning up the park and we all jumped in to help. We cleaned it up in a little under 10 minutes. The kids then started to show up and we sat down and we talked about leadership and perseverance to the kids. We then got to give out the old Lipscomb jerseys we brought, and they were so excited. Every single one of them immediately went to put their jersey on and it was so cool to see them all wearing Lipscomb gear. Shortly after, we went to the baseball field and played kickball with the kids. We all had fun teaching them and playing together.
Day 4
We then rushed to get to the Ranfurly Home on time. We found out that they played basketball. A lot of us went to go play so we picked teams and jumped right in. While we were playing others were inside either playing card games or tie-dyeing shirts. At basketball, we all were having fun with the kids and building a bond with them. When it was time to go we got a picture with everyone and went to eat dinner. When we came back to the villas we had a great devotional word on Philippians 2:3-4 about humility which seems to have been a theme for this trip. We then all wrote on a rock a word to describe how we encountered God on this trip or something we want to remember and made an altar with them as referenced in Joshua 4:1-9.
Day 5
Then, we wrapped up, and it was time to say our goodbyes;( It was so sad to say goodbye, but we know that God has a plan and will take care of every single one of His children. This trip really has us feeling blessed and thankful before the holidays, and we are so thankful for all the hard work that Coach Megan, Coach Arnold, Ms. Neda Brown, Coach House, and Coach Jamie put into this trip that made it possible.
Not a Trip
Category: Student Life