Cozumel Spring Break 2024 - Toska Holsopple's Story
April 11, 2024

Joy. We often use this word to describe happiness, yet that’s not exactly right. Joy is an emotion that makes sense, a feeling of hope during trials, and pure joy can truly only be found in God. This week, through serving the children, staff, and house parents of Ciudad de Angeles in Cozumel, Mexico, I saw and understood joy for the first time. During our time at Ciudad de Angeles, our team interacted with children from different backgrounds, who spoke a different language, and found a place of hope despite their circumstances. Those children are referred to as the Angels and range from ages 3 to 26, and each child has a different story. On our team, some people spoke fluent Spanish and others only knew the basics, but despite any obstacles, I watched actions speak louder than words. The Angels loved on us from the moment we got there, even though we were strangers to them. The bonds between our team and the Angels blossomed abundantly, and the love of Jesus shone throughout the Ciudad de Angeles campus.

For me in particular, I met 17-year-old Paloma and got to know her as she taught me how to make friendship bracelets. That is a moment I will never forget. Paloma sat on the ground making an intricate patterned friendship bracelet alongside one of the other Angels, Allison. I walked up to them, sat down, and asked if Paloma could teach me how to make the bracelet. She began showing me the weaving pattern used to create this beautiful bracelet, and her patience displayed as she taught me exactly what to do. I began asking her questions about herself, some questions asked with my terrible Spanish and others asked through Google Translate. I learned that she works in a hotel on the island, goes to school and will graduate this June, and her big dream in life is to open a bakery. As we said our goodbyes on the last day, Paloma brought me a lovely drawing with the words “To the moon” written on it. During the week, I had pointed out how much I loved the moon because it is a simple reminder that rest is coming and tomorrow will be a new day. She is full of hope for her future and I can tell that she looks forward to what is to come. Paloma’s patience, teaching, and laughter reminded me of the joy that only comes through the Lord. Despite what circumstances have happened in her life, she has joy that is greater than any worldly emotion.

As I head back to Lipscomb, the Lord has shown me the changes I need to make in my life so that I can better serve His kingdom every day. The word I am carrying with me is intentional. My actions need to be intentional and out of a heart of love and joy. I want people to see the things I do and know that I am a follower of Jesus. I want my actions to speak louder than my words. I also want to be intentional with my time and how I use it. Time is spent, and what I choose to spend my time on shows where my heart lies, and I want it to evidently be in line with the Lord. That being said, I want to be in the moment. This means putting my phone down in a room of people and creating intentional conversation and using that opportunity to grow my relationships with people. Taking intentionality into all areas of my life will allow me to better be the hands and feet of Jesus in a world that needs Him the most.
I am overwhelmingly blessed by this experience to go and serve Ciudad de Angeles during spring break. I know the Lord is working in my life, the lives of the people on our team, and the lives of those we interacted with in Mexico. I am thankful for the team I got to work with and leaders who were so ready to jump in and pour their all into each team member. The true joy of Jesus is evident at Ciudad, and I pray that it is just as evident at Lipscomb University.
Toska Holsopple
Not a Trip
Category: Student Life